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Worshipful Master 
W.Bro. Craig Bliss
With his Wardens, 
W.Bro Ian Hunt and Bro. Dan Wilden

My Message
The March 2024 meeting was a departure from the norm for The Shoeburyness Lodge in that we performed a double raising.
Brother Dan brooks and Brother Mitch Bliss were word perfect on their questions and were conducted throughout the meeting by our excellent deacons Brothers Mike Dixon (SD) and Dan Bryant (JD).
Our Worshipful Master conducted a faultless raising followed by word perfect Traditional History given by Worshipful Brother Richard Jordan.
This was followed by an excellent explanation of the working tools by Brother Dan Wilden.
Due to the DC'S absence, W.Bro. Roy Brown stepped up the the DC's office and W.Bro. Ron Everitt covered the ADC Role with distinction along with one of our regular guests Bro Richard Benney who acted as Inner Guard in fine manner.
Our Charity Steward W.Bro. Ian Hunt organised the raffle and a hamper draw (Donated by W.Bro. Trevor Jewell) and raised the fantastic sum of £309 on the evening.
Altogether an excellent afternoon in the temple followed by a superb festive board.

The February 2024 meeting of The Shoeburyness Lodge was a splendid affair where our Worshipful Master performed the ceremony of initiation on his candidate Brother Royden Walters in fine style.
The charge to the initiate was given by W.Bro. Richard Jordan in an excellent manner and with a very polished delivery.
The address to the Wardens was given by W.Bro Trevor Jewell JP with a superb delivery. Brother Dan Wilden was belatedly installed as Junior Warden.

The Re-Installation of Worshipful Brother Craig Bliss took place on the 11th of October at Saxon Hall.
Most of the current officers were re-installed with the exception of W.Bro Bruce Mapson who resumed the role of DC and Brother Dan Wilden who will be appointed Junior Warden at the February meeting.
W.Bro Richard Jordan once again delivered an excellent and heartfelt address to the brethren and W.Bro Trevor Jewell wil deliver the address to the Wardens at the February meeting once both Wardens will be in place.

The Installation of Brother Craig Bliss into the Chair of King Solomon on the 12th of October 2022 was a splendid occasion with W.Bro. Richard Jordan acting as Installing Master and giving a very moving address to the Brethren.

Our outgoing Master W.Bro Keith Hudson gave a splendid address to the master as well as an excellent explanation of the first degree working tools.

Bro Richard Benney a regular guest stood in as Senior Deacon and gave a faultless explanation of the second degree working tools.

The menu chosen by our new Worshipful Master was excellent and the cheeseboard was washed down with the excellent port that he supplied.

Craig invested his officers and conducted the business of the lodge in fine style and in a very pleasant manner.

W.Bro Keith Hudson ur new IPM gave an excellent rendition of the Masters song to our new Worshipful Master as well as conducting the toast to the Master.

All of the officers of Shoeburyness Lodge will be supporting W.Bro Craig in his year as Master and are looking forward to a fantastic year under his leadership.

Craigs charity during his year as Master is the very worthy charity Tommy's.
A charity very close to Craig and Beccie's heart.

Tommy’s National Centre for Miscarriage Research offers specialist care for women and couples experiencing pregnancy losses.

New Members
Our Worshipful Master welcomes Brother Royden Walters into the lodge after proposing and then initiating him.
We wish brother Royden a long and happy time as a member of The Shoeburyness Lodge. 

W.Bro Roy Bryant welcomes his son Simon Bryant into the lodge after his initiation. There is a long-standing custom in the lodge with fathers welcoming their sons into The Shoeburyness Lodge to keep up the family tradition.
Our latest two innitiates that have entered Freemasonry through the Shoeburyness Lodge are Brother Mitchell Bliss and Brother Dan Brooks.
Both had splendid ceremonies led by our Worshipful Master W.Bro. Craig Bliss ably supported by his officers.

We have recently welcomed two joining members into the lodge, Brother Mike Dixon and Bother Dan Bryant who have both taken active rolls and slotted in amongst our growing band of younger members and W.Bro Brian Cattermole who has become an active and valued member of the lodge of instruction.

W.Bro Roy Brown has recently joined the lodge after being a regular guest for many years and stepped straight into the ADC roll.

Social Functions

Next Supper Club will be at The Mughal Dynasty, 1585 London Road, Leigh on Sea SS99 2SG on October 30th at 7.30.
You are invited to bring along any friends, masons or non masons. If you can make it please contact Ian Hunt on 07549 162737 or
7.30pm start

The last supper club was held at The Eyna Turkish Restaurant in Basildon.
It was a great venue, very plush inside and outside, excellent service, great foof and ample parking.
Definately a place to go back to.

A previous supper club was at The Picollo Restaurant, Westcliff on Sea and we had some fabulous Italian food.

A previous supper club was at The 
Great Wall Chinese Restaurant at 6 East Street, Rochford SS4 1DB.
We had a good turnout and excellent foof and service. Another great night, well don Ian. 

The last before one supper club was at The Pipe of Port and we had a splendid night, great company, great food and the wine was flowing nicely.

The last but two supper club in January at The Myhosh Turkish Restaurant in Hadleigh was a great success.
Fabulous food and lots of it, great service and free parking nearby.

The November supper club was at The Mango Loung in Rayleigh and previous to that at Il Mondo great menus, excellent food and a good nights out.

The recent supper club was at the Pipe of Port, excellent food, excellent beer and excellent company. Great evening.
Well done Ian.

We hold supper clubs for the brethren in various restaurants including The Indian Diner, The Pipe of Port, Spaghetti Junction and various other restaurants and usually have a Ladies Festival with a live band where we all dress up in our finery. We also usually have an informal Sunday lunch where we can entertain our family and guests.
There are some very keen golfers among us and regularly play in masonic societys and tournaments as well as friendly games.
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